Awards 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award
2020 Lifetime Achievement Award
On April 23, 2021 Debbie Gill President of Texas CattleWomen and Linda Krottinger Thorman Secretary for the Texas CattleWomen came to Red River Steak House in McLean to Present Dianne Buckingham a member of Top O’ Texas CattleWomen since its inception a Lifetime Achievement Award that she was chosen by the Texas CattleWomen for 2020. Dianne has been active in all aspects of CattleWomen. She is state Beef Gift Certificate chairman and local chairman for many years , local treasurer, does health fairs, beef for Fathers Day, Chairman of putting together two cookbooks for Top o’ Texas CattleWomen She is active in her community and Church. 2020 Texas Cattlewoman of the Year
Cindy Dunn of Wichita Falls Area CattleWomen was named the 2020 CattleWoman of the Year Saturday, October 3rd during the annual Fall Meeting held that was held virtually. As an Outstanding CattleWoman Cindy has chaired the Beef Education Committee. Her energy and resources have made her an amazing asset for the WFACW organization, helping with the 2019 TCW Fall Meeting. Some of the projects she has created are the “Moo or False” trivia contest on the Texoma Homepage and Channel 3 TV. This beef education and promotion event had 6988 entries and 12,304 hits on the website. Prizes were given out weekly with a Grand Prize of a $500 Gift Certificate for beef with 50% donated by Troy Collier of Texas BEst BBQ and 50% funded by the Beef Checkoff. Cindy also expanded the WFACW participation in Extension 4-H programs where she serves as a club leader in Iowa Park. Cindy was instrumental in the design and acquisition of pop up banners for the chapter. She is responsible for the chapter’s inventory of Texas Beef Council materials for all events, always checking to be sure the latest information is on hand and available. By working to align herself with the right people Cindy was able to acquire monthly article space in the North Texas Farm and Ranch Magazine and they started off with a bang a full page article entitled CattleWomen Work for the Betterment of Industry. She is a smiling face with an open heart and serves the cattle industry and CattleWomen with the highest of intentions. She is truly the “Energizer Bunny” of Wichita Falls Area CattleWomen. Cindy’s beautiful Pin was designed and crafted by Michael Tittor of Tittor’s Buckles and Spurs. |